Where To Buy Plastic Packaging
Some stores have temporarily halted collection of plastic bags and wraps. And some of you are not able to venture out. If either is the case, please collect your bags/wraps at home until events change. Bags/wraps can be compressed and stored inside another plastic bag.
where to buy plastic packaging
Thank you for your support of plastic film recycling. Recycling contributes to sustainability and provides valuable materials for American manufacturers, so we encourage you to continue recycling when and where possible.
Plastic packaging is a dedicated packaging solution, especially for food. It allows the users to preserve, protect, store, and transport their foods and other products without hassles. Worthy of note is that the packaging is often made from Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE), which helps to provide impact resistance, which, in turn, enables the products enclosed in it to survive in good condition when transported.
With that in mind, you may now be wondering what it feels like to go a-shopping without your favorite plastic packaging bag. You must note that despite the excellent upsides to the packaging, it still has some adverse effects on the environment. Notable among that is the leaching out of toxic chemicals that have been linked to the growth in congenital disabilities, endocrine disruption, and cancers in people that have used it for long.
The first step is to identify the products you have been buying in the past that requires plastics. Ideally, about 60% of our purchases are enclosed in plastic packaging. Therefore, you should identify the products that demand the same, and use some of the clues below to cut them to the barest minimum.
Although only a few shoppers would pay attention to this, the fact remains that take-out food container is another perfect way to shop without plastic packaging. By taking a food container with you, it becomes easier to retain the heat and increase the survivability of the food you purchased.
You will be doing yourself two favors at the same time if you keep to this. First, the consumption of ice cream from the cone or on the spot helps to reduce the chances of taking the plastic container variants in your freezer. Second, it helps to reduce your consumption of ice cream because you only get to consume one at intervals.
Have you realized that bottled water is enclosed in plastics? Not only that! The resources used to extract and make the bottle, might, in the end, trigger problems in your body. The rule of thumb is to avoid it while using another alternative to keep hydrated.
As a rule of thumb, you must avoid reusable drink bottles that are made of aluminium bottles or plastics. Aluminium reusable bottles are reputed for their composition of epoxy resin, which leaches into the water. The same applies to the reusable plastic containers that have been found to leach chemicals into the water.
Ideally, you can take your reusable bags to the market to purchase fresh and locally produced foods. That way, you would be saving the climate from the toxic nature of plastic packaging while living healthier.
You may consider starting a little farm or garden, where you can grow your favorite foods. If you can't meet up with that, then you may want to engage the services of local companies that would grow/shop and ship organic products to your home.
The saw blade was on sale for only $9.99, securely packed inside two very thick layers of tough plastic, it looked permanently confined. After a lot of time and effort, I was able to get the package open almost cutting myself, like many others who seek medical treatment every year due to cuts and other injuries from attempting to open clamshells and similar packages. It is ironic how it took me a few minutes to open but it will take over 400 years to biodegrade.
Unfortunately no, 91% of all plastic is not recycled. Of the 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic humans have produced, 6.3 billion metric tons have become plastic waste. Of that, only nine percent has been recycled, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal of Science Advances.
The good news is that consumers are seeking companies that care about environmental issues. They are buying products that are more sustainable and come in sustainable packaging at twice the rate of other products, according to a 2018 Neilson survey.
Most customers want to do their part to help the environment and are aware of the impact of their purchases. 88% of U.S. and U.K. consumers want brands to help them be more environmentally friendly in their daily lives. Consumers increasingly prefer sustainable brands, with the majority of shoppers willing to pay a premium for recycled products. That means brands that continue to push plastic risk alienating the vast majority of their customers.
Amazon alone generated an estimated 465 million pounds of plastic packaging in 2019. If all of that trash took the form of inflatable air pillows, it would create a plastic trail long enough to go around the world 500 times.
With the technology and resources available today, companies have more eco-friendly packaging options available than ever before. They need to get rid of the notion that plastic is the best choice and move in a more responsible direction.
Plastic film, which includes many types of bags and wrap, is everywhere in our lives. In part because of their convenience and abundance, though, plastic bags and wrap are often used in excess, wasted, buried in landfills or littered in our streets, natural areas and surface waters.
There are easy and cost-effective ways to reduce waste and recapture the benefits of plastic bags and wrap after their initial use. Individuals and businesses can reduce excessive use of bags and wrap, reuse them or recycle them. Industrial shrink wrap used in the packaging can be recycled and is in high demand by manufacturers as a raw material. Individuals, schools, non-profits, workplaces and communities can collect plastic bags and wrap for recycling or promote local recycling programs. One opportunity for involvement is through WRAP, the Wrap Recycling Action Project.
Many grocery stores offer durable, washable bags to customers at an affordable price. Using these bags on a regular basis can create less waste than paper or plastic, and washing them regularly removes dirt and germs.
BagandFilmRecycling.org [exit DNR] has more information on which types of plastic bags and wrap can be recycled and which cannot. Non-recyclable plastic wraps include any wrap or bag that contained frozen food, pre-washed salad mix bags and bags labeled as degradable. Any plastic wrap, bag or film that is dirty or wet should also not be recycled.
Although some community recycling programs accept plastic bags and wrap in the curbside collection, the industry strongly encourages consumers to use drop-off locations instead. Plastic wrap, bags and film clog curbside recycling machinery and are difficult to separate from other materials. For now, the best option is to take clean, empty bags and wrap to a retailer or other drop-off site that offers a plastic film recycling bin.
Whether you are a business that generates a lot of plastic film or a consumer, there is a role for you. Learn how to do your part to build the economy, keep the recyclable plastic film out of Wisconsin landfills and put them back into productive use.
The DNR partnered with the American Chemistry Council's Flexible Film Recycling Group and GreenBlue's Sustainable Packaging Coalition on a plastic film recycling initiative called Wisconsin WRAP: Recycling Plastic Film Beyond Bags.
This public/private partnership focuses on increasing the recycling of plastic film found in nearly every business and household to increase the recycling rate significantly. A 2012 DNR plastics recycling study concluded that Wisconsin could realize substantial economic benefits by recycling more of the valuable plastic film that currently ends up in landfills.
Recycling clean, dry plastic shopping bags, newspaper bags, wrap packaging and other plastic bags and wrap ensures that we continue to make full use of materials while conserving energy and keeping bags and wrap out of our landfills, streets and natural environment.
At the same time, plastic bags and wrap have a number of environmental impacts throughout their life cycle. These include greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from the process of extracting and refining petroleum or natural gas, the original feedstock for making new plastic. They also include impacts from improper disposal, as bags and wrap can clog gutters and sewer grates, endanger animals that mistake the plastics for food, and accumulate in trees, fences and other places where they become an eyesore. Plastics can take hundreds of years to degrade and can also interfere with proper moisture distribution and drainage in landfills.
Reducing, reusing and recycling plastic bags, film and wrap helps to lessen these negative environmental impacts while promoting the continued use of the plastics we have already produced in ways that benefit the community and spur economic activity. While some cities have imposed bans or taxes on bags, reusing and recycling bags and wrap recovers these resources and contributes to a supply of plastic wrap for use by industry.
While only about 12 percent of plastic bags and other film are currently recycled in the United States, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the demand for clean scrap film is quickly growing. Plastics are long-lived and, even after initial use, can serve as feedstock in a swiftly expanding manufacturing industry.
Products made from recycled grocery bags and other plastic films include new bags, composite lumber and playground equipment. Recycling plastic bags and wrap prevents the waste of resources, reduces the amount of material being buried in landfills, helps prevent litter and contributes to new jobs in Wisconsin.
Businesses across Wisconsin can also reduce, reuse and recycle plastic bags and wrap while taking the opportunity to build profits and create jobs. A 2012 report prepared for the DNR concluded that the plastic waste of Wisconsin businesses and workplaces, if recycled could be worth more than $41 million. Industrial film packaging alone was valued at more than $6 million. 041b061a72